Page:Handbook of the Swatow Dialect.pdf/61

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Round Ee.
Rub, to Ts'eeoo.
Run, to Dzow.
Sailing-vessel Kah-pahn-dzoon.
Sailor Dzooee-seeoo.
Sails P'ahng.
Salt Yem.
Salt meat Keeyem nek.
Same, all the Pang yeeay; dzek yeeay; seeahng dahng.
Saturday Loy-pi lak.
Saucepan Ooay.
Say, to Tah.
Scales T'eeyen-p'eng.
Scissors Kah taw.
Screw, a Law-see teng.
Sea Hi.
Sea-sick, to be Heen dzoon.
Second Toy jee.
Security, to go Paw.
See T'oy; t'oy-kee.
Seek, to Ts'ooay.
Seldom Han tit.
Send, to (persons) Si.
Sentence, a Koo; dzek koo way.
Servant Eng-jeen.
Several Kooee-gi.
Sheep Yeeay.
Sheet of paper Dzek teeay tooah.
Ship Dzoon.