Page:Handbook of the Swatow Dialect.pdf/67

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Warm Seeay.
Wash, to Soy.
Washerman Soy-sah-nahng.
Wash-hand (lit. face) basin Meen-p'oon.
Waste, to Dzow-t'aht.
Waste time, to Sit-law see-how.
Watch, a See-peeay.
Water Dzooee.
Waves Eng.
Weak Nahm.
We Ooahn or wahn.
Week Loy-pi.
Weigh, to P'eng-kooay.
Well, a Dzang.
Well (in health) Haw.
West Si.
What? Simmy? Dzawnee?
When? Tee-teeang-see?
Where? Tee-kaw?
Whip Pee.
White Peh.
Who? Tee-teeang?
Whole Tjeeah-kaw; tjeeah-gi.
Why? Dzawnee? Een-ooee simmy?
Wide K'wah.
Wife Bo.
Wind Hwong.
Window Paw-lee-mung; t'eng.
Wine Dzeeoo.
Wine-glass Dzeeoo-pooay.
Winter Dahng-t'ee.
Wish, to I.