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- Incorrect,
- M̄-tùi; m̄-tiéh
- 不對 不着
- Increase,
- Ke
- 加
- Indigestion,
- Tóu bõi-siou
- 肚不消
- Individually,
- Kak-nâng
- 各人
- Induce, away,
- Kiou-tsãu; tshūa-tsáu
- 邀走 娶走
- Infant,
- Sòi-kíaⁿ; nouⁿ-kiáⁿ; a-nôuⁿ
- 小仔 奴仔 阿奴
- Inferior, of comparison,
- Su; kẽ-tsng; kẽ-pín
- 輸 低庄 下品
- Influence,
- Sì-thâu
- 勢頭
- Influential,
- Chhiòu; ũ-sì-thâu
- 有權勢
- Inform,
- Pò-tsai
- 報知
- Injure,
- Hāi; sieⁿ--tiéh
- 害 傷着
- Inland,
- Lãi-ti
- 內地
- Inquire,
- Thàm-mn̄g
- 探問
- Insist,
- Ngẽ-àiⁿ
- 硬要
- Instance, for,
- Khó-pí
- 可比
- Instruct,
- Kà
- 教
- Instrument,
- Khì-kũ
- 器具
- Intercourse,
- Lâi-uáng
- 來往
- Interfere, with other's affair,
- Tshap-nâng-kâi-sṳ̄
- 挿人個事
- Interior,
- Lãi; lãi-pôiⁿ
- 內 內畔