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- Pregnant,
- Ũ-sin-hūn; ũ-tho
- 有身份 有胎
- Prepare,
- Ṳ̃; ṳ̃-pĩ
- 預 預備
- Present, to,
- Sàng
- 送
- Present,„ time,
- Hīn-tsãi; ngán-tsãi; tong-kim
- 現在 眼在 中今
- Press, with the hand,
- Jih
- -
- Press,„ with something heavy,
- Teh
- 壓
- Pretend,
- Ké
- 假
- Pretend,„ not knowing,
- Tèⁿ-m̄-tsai
- 假不知
- Pretty,
- Ngiá; zû
- 雅 儒
- Prevent,
- Tsó; nûaⁿ; hâⁿ
- 阻
- Prick, as by a thorn,
- Chhiah
- 刺
- Principal,
- Thâu
- 頭
- Print,
- Ìn
- 印
- Private,
- Sai-khia; sai-ẽ
- 私
- Privately,
- Àm-chẽⁿ
- 暗靜
- Privy, a,
- Tang-si; chhè-kng
- 東西 厠池
- Probably,
- Pa-lak
- 或者
- Proclamation,
- Kò-sī
- 告示
- Prodigal, son,
- Phùa-ke-kiáⁿ
- 破家子