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- Select,
- Suán; tóh; kôiⁿ
- 選 擇 揀
- Selfish,
- Sai-sim
- 私心
- Send, as servants,
- Sái
- 使
- Send,„ as things,
- Kià
- 寄
- Senior,
- Tūa
- 大
- Separate, to,
- Pun-khui
- 分開
- Serious, as matter,
- Tūa-sṳ̄
- 大事
- Serious,„ as sickness,
- Tāng-pēⁿ
- 重病
- Servant,
- A-nouⁿ
- 奴僕
- Servant,„ domestic,
- Ke-nouⁿ
- 家重
- Set, a,
- Chék-hù
- 一付
- Settle, an affair,
- Tít; chheng-tshó
- 直 清楚
- Several,
- Kua-kâi
- 數個
- Severe,
- Ngiâm; tãng
- 嚴 重
- Severe„, wound,
- Tãng-sieⁿ
- 重傷
- Sew, to,
- Thīⁿ
- 縫
- Shadow,
- Iáⁿ
- 影
- Shake,
- Iẽ
- 搖
- Shake,„ hands,
- Tùn-chhiú
- 頓手
- Shake,„ off, as dust,
- Hìⁿ-tiòu
- 搖丢