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- Suddenly,
- Huh--chē-kiè; hó-sĩ-sĩ
- 忽然間 好是是
- Suffer,
- Siũ-khóu
- 受苦
- Sufficient,
- Kàu; là
- 足
- Suffocate,
- Hip-sí
- 翕死
- Suicide,
- Tsṳ̃-chĩn
- 自盡
- Suit, of clothes,
- Hù
- 副
- Suit,„ to,
- Háh
- 合
- Suit,„ to, as shoes, clothes,
- Kah
- 甲
- Sum, to,
- Kòi-kāng; lóng-tsóng-sǹg
- 計共 該算
- Summon, call by authority,
- Tiōu
- 召
- Sundries,
- Tsáp-hùe; tsáp-muéh
- 什貨 什物
- Superintend,
- Tok-kang; chiáng-kuán
- 督工 掌管
- Superior, of quality,
- Iâⁿ; iâⁿ--kùe
- 贏過
- Supper, to take,
- Chiáh-mêⁿ-hng
- 食夜昏
- Support, the children,
- Iáng-iók
- 養育
- Support,„ the parents,
- Hõng-iáng
- 奉養
- Support,„ to, as a wall,
- Tú
- 砥
- Support,„ to hold up,
- Hû; tshah
- 扶 挿
- Suppose,
- Siẽⁿ
- 想
- Suppose,„ erroneously,
- Sah-tsò; pān-tsò
- 約做