Lesson VII.
- 塗袂肥
- Thôu bōi-pûi
- The soil is not fertile.
- 樹袂發
- Chhiū bõi-huat
- The trees do not grow.
- 葉在脫。樹要死
- Hiéh tõ lut, chhiū àiⁿ-sí
- The leaves are falling, and the trees are withering.
- 在海墘有大石
- Tõ hái-kîⁿ ũ tūa-chiéh
- There are rocks on the sea-side;
- 有石部。有沙
- Ũ chiéh-põu, ũ sua
- There are stones, and there is sand.
- 人在世不久
- Nâng tõ sì m̄-kú
- Man is not long in the world.
- 男人愈壯過女人
- Ta-pou zú-tsàng kùe tsṳ-niêⁿ
- Man is stronger than woman.
- 有個女人愈賢過男人
- Ũ-kâi tsṳ-niêⁿ zú-gâu kùe ta-pou
- Some women are cleverer than men.
- 在祖家有多多女人。賢過男人
- Tõ Tsóu-ke ũ ke-ke tsu-niêⁿ, gâu kùe ta-pou
- There are many ladies in England cleverer than men.
- 唐人個女人少少識字
- Tn̂g-nâng kâi tsṳ-niêⁿ chié-chié pat-jī
- Very few Chinese ladies can read.
- 院個女人俱皆識字
- Ún--kâi tsṳ-niêⁿ lóng-tsóng pat-jī
- Our ladies can all read.
section II.
- 日
- Jít
- Sun.
- 月
- Guéh
- Moon.
- 星
- Chheⁿ
- Stars.
- 風
- Huang
- Wind.
- 雨
- Hõu
- Rain.