Lesson VII.
- 雷公响
- Lûi-kong tán
- The thunder roars.
- 雷公攝目。了正响
- Lûi-kong nih-mák, lióu chiàⁿ-tân
- The lightning flashes first, then the thunder roars.
- 雨定着是大
- Hõu tiāⁿ-tiéh sĩ tūa
- The rain is sure to be a heavy one.
- 唐人講究雷公不對
- Tn̂g-nâng káng-kiù lûi-kong m̄-tùi
- What the Chinese discuss about the lightning is not correct.
- 唐人此事不曉
- Tn̂g-nâng chí-kâi sū m̄-hióu
- The Chinese do not understand about this matter.
- 英國人就曉
- Eng-kok-nâng chiũ-hióu
- The English understand.
- 虹有多多色
- Khẽng ũ ke-ke sek
- The rainbow has many colours.
- 有紅有白有藍有青有黄
- Ũ âng, ũ péh, ũ nâm, ũ chheⁿ, ũ n̂g
- It has red, white, blue, green and yellow.
- 還了有
- Huân-lióu ũ
- It has some more.
- 是雅在
- Sĩ ngiá-tsãi
- It is very beautiful.
- 咱所有個色是從虹處來
- Nán só-ũ kâi sek sĩ tshông khẽng--kò lâi
- The colours which we have, come from the rainbow.
- 流漲或是退
- Lâu tĩⁿ a-sĩ khó?
- Is it high tide or ebb tide?
- 流退
- Lâu khó
- It is ebb tide.
- 海有湧否
- Hái ũ éng mē?
- Are there any waves in the sea?
- 有。湧袂大
- Ũ, éng bõi-tūa
- Yes, the waves are not big.
- 風颱時荒險
- Huang-thai sĩ hong-hiám
- The typhoon is dangerous.