Lesson VII.
- 許久咱此處不識有落雹
- Hoh-kú nán--chié m̄-pat ũ lóh-phák
- For a long time we have not had hail here.
- 冬天貧窮人是悽慘
- Tang--thiⁿ khiou-kiáⁿ nâng sĩ chhi-tshám
- In Winter the poor are miserable.
- 富個人則穿煖
- Pù--kâi-nâng li chhēng-sie
- But the rich are warmly clad.
- 冬天冷在
- Tang--thiⁿ chhiⁿ-tsai
- In Winter it is very cold.
- 夏天就𤍠
- Hē--thiⁿ chiũ-zuáh
- But in Summer it is hot.
- 壹年有四季
- Chék-nîⁿ ũ sì-khùi
- There are four seasons in a year.
- 在祖家夏天無此處向𤍠
- Tõ Tsóu-ke Hē--thiⁿ bô chié hi èⁿ-zuáh
- In England the Summer is not so hot as here.
- 冬天愈冷此處
- Tang--thiⁿ zú-chhiǹ chié
- In Winter it is colder than here.
- 在祖家壹年春天是上好
- Tõ tsóu-ke chék-nîⁿ Tshun--thiⁿ sĩ siãng-hó
- In England Spring is the best of the year.
- 春天到來草俱皆發
- Tshun--thiⁿ kàu--lâi, tsháu lóng-tsóng huat
- When Spring comes, all the grass grow.
section IV.
- 明早
- Mêng-khí
- Morning.
- 中午
- Jít-tàu
- Noon.
- 夜昏
- Mêⁿ-hng
- Evening.
- 上午
- Chiēⁿ-kùa
- Forenoon.