Lesson VII.
- 或者下午亦不知
- Pa-lak ẽ-kùa iā m̄-tsai
- Perhaps in the afternoon, but I don't know.
- 今夜伊不在
- Ke-mêⁿ i m̄-tõ
- He shall not be at home to-night.
- 夜昏子伊要來我此處
- Mêⁿ-hng-kiaⁿ iàiⁿ-lâi úa--kò
- He is coming to my place to-night.
- 我請伊
- Uá chhiáⁿ i
- I have invited him.
- 伊作有幾多日工
- I tsoh ũ jiéh-tsōi jít kang?
- How many days' work has he done?
- 伊作有壹個月
- I tsoh ũ chék-kâi guéh
- He has worked one month.
- 伊日間作。夜間亦作
- I jít--kùa tsoh, mêⁿ--kùa iā tsoh
- He worked in the day, and he also worked in the night.
- 伊個工是重在
- I kái khang-khùe sĩ tàng-tsãi
- His work is very heavy.
- 日未暗
- Jít būe-àm
- It is not yet dark.
- 爾睡到日向晏正走起
- Lṳ́ út-kàu jít hièⁿ-uáⁿ chiàⁿ-tsáu-khí
- You have slept far into the day, before you got up.
- 下日爾不可睡到向晏
- Ê-jít lṳ́ m̄-móⁿ út-kàu-hièⁿ uàⁿ
- For the future, you must not sleep so late into the day.
- 日暗着去睡
- Jít àm tiéh khṳ̀-út
- When it is late at night, you must go to bed.
- 勿到半夜正去睡
- Màiⁿ-kàu puàⁿ-méⁿ chiàⁿ-khṳ̀-út
- Don't let it be midnight before you go to bed.
- 三更半夜勿去口
- Saⁿ-keⁿ puàⁿ-mêⁿ màiⁿ-khṳ̀-kháu
- Don't go out at such a late hour at night.
section V.
- 早
- Tsá
- Early.
- 早早
- Tsá-tsá
- Very early.