Lesson VII.
- 今。爾着憶得
- Taⁿ, lṳ́ tiéh it-tit
- Now, you must remember.
- 不可不憶得
- M̄-móⁿ m̄-it-tit
- Don't forget.
- 好。我天光就要走起
- Hó. Uá thiⁿ-kng chiũ àiⁿ tsáu-khí
- Very well. As soon as day-break I will get up.
- 今日我不閒
- Kiáⁿ-jít uá m̄ oíⁿ
- I am busy to-day.
- 明天正來
- Màⁿ-khí chiàⁿ-lâi
- Come to-morrow.
- 明天隨何時
- Màⁿ-khí zuãn tiang-si
- Any time to-morrow.
- 好了。爾好去
- Hó--lō, lṳ́ hó-khṳ̀
- That will do, you may go.
- 我今日終日在內
- Uá kiáⁿ-jít thàng-jít tõ lāi
- I am at home all to-day.
- 明天我不在
- Màⁿ-khí uá m̄-tõ
- I shall not be at home tomorrow.
- 爾免用來
- Lṳ́ mín-ēng lâi
- You need not come.
- 後日我就轉來
- Aũ--jít uá chiũ tńg--lâi
- I shall be back the day after to-morrow.
- 我次次來到覔爾不在
- Uá tsūa-tsūa lâi-kàu tshūe lṳ́ m̄-tõ
- On every occasion of my coming, I could not find you.
- 我昨日來。昨夜亦來
- Uá tsa-jít lâi, tsa-mêⁿ iā lâi
- I came yesterday, and last night as well.
- 伊終久是如此
- I tsong-kú sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ
- He is always like this.
- 伊是惰。做事隨便做
- I sĩ tuãⁿ, tsò-sṳ̄ chhìn-tshái tsò
- He is idle, and does things carelessly.
- 爾下日不可如此
- Lṳ́ ẽ-jít m̄-móⁿ chièⁿ-seⁿ
- You must not be like this for the future.
- 爾着如此做
- Lṳ́ tiéh chièⁿ-seⁿ muéh
- You must do it like this.
- 着記得日日着如此
- Tiéh kì-tit, jít-jít tiéh chièⁿ-seⁿ
- You must remember, and every day do like this.