Lesson XIV.
- 眠床每明早着修好
- Mīn-tshn̂g pâi-mêng-khí tiéh muéh-hó
- Every morning the bed must be put right.
- 褥携去晒
- Zók khiéh khṳ̀ phák
- Take the mattress and put it in the sun.
- 枕頭亦着晒
- Chím-thâu iā tiéh phák
- The pillows must be aired too.
- 蚊帳汚穢了。着乞洗衫個洗
- Máng-tiàⁿ nah-sap--lō, tiéh khoih sói-saⁿ--kâi sói
- The mosquito curtain is dirty, it must be given to the washerman to wash.
- 眠床白布每個禮拜着換壹次
- Mîn-tshn̂g péh-pòu chék-kâi lói-pài tiéh uāⁿ chék-ē
- The bed-sheet must be changed once a week.
- 枕頭囊亦着每個禮拜換
- Chím-thâu-lông iā tiéh pâi-kâi lói-pài uāⁿ
- The pillow cases must also be changed every week.
- 被不可洗多次
- Phũe m̄-móⁿ sói khah-giáp
- Bed-clothes shouldn't be washed too often.
- 洗多次袂暖
- Sói khah-giáp bõi-sie
- (If) washed too often they will not be warm.
- 眠床拔蚊。了蚊帳放好
- Mîn-tshn̂g pũaⁿ-máng, lióu máng-tìaⁿ pàng-hó
- Drive out the mosquitoes in the bed, and then let down the curtain properly.
- 伊好觀鏡
- I hàuⁿ-iám-kìaⁿ
- He is fond of looking in the looking-glass.
- 携我個梳共虱箆來
- Khiéh uá kâi siu kah sat-pìn lâi
- Get me my comb and my small-tooth comb.
- 爾共我梳。了共我箆
- Lṳ́ kâh uá siu, lióu kah uá pìn
- You comb my hair, then use the small-tooth comb.
- 剃刀不利。不好剃頭
- Thì-to m̄-lāi, m̄-móⁿ thì-thâu
- The razor is not sharp, I can't shave (with it.)
- 我個頭筅在何處
- Uá kâi thâu-tshóiⁿ tõ tî-kò?
- Where is my hair-brush?
- 吊放何處
- Tiòu-pàng tî-kò?
- Where shall I hang it?
- 吊放衫吊
- Tiòu-pàng saⁿ-tiòu
- Hang it on the clothes-horse.