Lesson XIV.
- 糖礶
- Thn̂g-kuàn
- A sugar basin.
- 牛乳礶
- Gû-nĩⁿ-kùan
- A milk jug.
- 羔丕礶
- Ko-pî-kuàn
- A coffee pot.
- 羔丕磨
- Ko-pî-bō
- A coffee mill.
- 桶盤
- Tháng-pûaⁿ
- A tray.
- 筒架
- Tãng-kè
- 食橱
- Chiáh-tû
- A cup-board.
- 鹽碟
- Iâm-tíh
- Salt cellar.
- 碟仔
- Tíh-kiáⁿ
- Chinese little saucer for holding sauce.
- 鍾
- Cheng
- A bell.
- 玻璃樽
- Po-lî-tsun
- Bottles.
- 酒鬼
- Chiú-kúi
- A cockscrew.
- 白鐵盒
- Péh-thih-áp
- A small tin box, as a tin for holding sardine.
- 白鐵⿱竹廣
- Péh-thih-kóng
- A small tin vessel, as a tin for holding salmon.
- 食床披床布或未
- Chiáh-tshn̂g phi tshn̂g-pòu a-būe?
- Has the table cloth been spread on the dining table?
- 披好了。刀叉未擺
- Phi hó--lō, to-chhe būe-pái
- It has, but the knives and forks haven't been laid.
- 床擺未好
- Tshn̂g pái būe-hó
- The table is not ready.
- 豉油架放鎭中
- Sī-iû-kè pàng tìn-tang
- Put the cruet-stand in the middle.