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Sonets and Histories, to sundrie new Tunes.
¶ Thy self hath sought the meane and way,
and none but thou alone:
Of all the grief and care you beare,
as plainely it is showne:
Then why should men take heed,
thy counsell is vnfit:
Thou sparedst to speak, and faildst to speed,
thy will had banisht wit.
And now thou blamest loue,
and Ladies faire and free:
And better lost than found my frind,
your cowards heart we see.
I. P.
A new Courtly Sonet, of the Lady Green sleeues. To the new tune of Greensleeues.
Greensleeues was all my ioy, Greensleeues was my delight:Greensleeues was my hart of gold, And who but Ladie Greensleeues.

¶ I haue been readie at your hand, to grant what euer you would craue.I haue both waged life and land, your loue and good will for to haue. Greensleeues was all my ioy, &c.