Page:Handsome cobler, or, The father outwitted (2).pdf/6

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But coming to his brother's houſe,
this beauty for to view,
He little thought this bonny bride,
had been his ſervant Sue;

With gold and ſilver ſpangles,
Sue was dreſs'd all around,
The noiſe of her portion ſpread,
of ſo many thouſand pound:
The old man call'd his ſon aſide,
and thus to him did ſay,
Take my advice and marry her,
my child this very day.

That morning they were married,
and dinner being done,
The old man being mellow,
the ſtory thus begun:
Says he, Dear son. I'll tell to you,
nothing but what is true,
A poor blinking one ey'd Cobler,
has married your ſweetheart Sue.

The young man ſtept aſide, Sir,
as I ſhall here confeſs,
And in a very little time,
put on the Cobler's dreſs,
And taking Suſan by the hand,
he fell upon his knees;
Saying, Pardon honoured Father,
Sir, pardon if you pleaſe.

Sir, I am John the Cobler,

and this is honeſt Sue,