Page:Harold Macgrath--The girl in his house.djvu/81

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"We human beings certainly are! Do you honestly mean all that?"

"I honestly do, Jim."

"Shake!" He began to feel entirely at ease. There was not the slightest tremor to his pulse. It was really all over; and Clare was a good sort. A strange exultation crept into his heart.

"Can you keep a secret?" she asked.

"Can I! Why, Clare, I'm carrying around one now that would blow up an ordinary man."

"What is it?" eagerly.

"I said I could keep a secret, not tell one."

"Oh! You've heard of Captain the Honorable George Wicklifife?"

"Oh yes," he answered, lying cheerfully. She expected that kind of answer anyhow. "I've heard of him. Englishman, isn't he?"

"Yes." Even in the old days he had found fault with her lack of humor. "Well, I've decided to marry him in December. I'm going to ask Betty to give the announcement dinner."

Armitage held out his hand again and with a smile she accepted it.