Recaption . 192
Wages of public servant, exemption of ; supplementary proceedings . . . 315
Persons. Action of seduction by married woman against divorced husband . . 188
Annulling marriage for bigamy ; fraud of plaintiff 188
Divorce ; connivance 454
Substituted service ; custody of children 131
Estoppel against married women ; dedication 132
^ usbajid. and wife ; right of wife to acquire separate domicil 526
. Rights pi husband's creditors . 250
. .Sale.of opium to wife 384
l^iat)ili^y pf father to support infant child 454
Pledge;, .Ca^e for wrorigful disposal by pledgee 65
Praqtice.. lyev trial.; newly discovered evidence 526
Proper,ty, , See Personal Property and Real Property.
Public Corporations. See Corporations.
Public. Officers. See Trusts. •
Qu A§i-t^o;^TiiAt:T5. Cancellation of certificates by mistake . . 64
^Io,ney p^icl on judgment subsequently reversed 133
RAii^RqAD.s. . Spe Porpordtionj.
Real P^o^EjiTy. , Adverse possession 132,251,314
Xnfjincy of t.enant in. common 384
Appojtiqnn?eit qf r.ent 527
Assignability of condition ; sub-lease of entire term 189
Coptributio;! betyvegn .tenants in common 63
C^oyenanjt agaijist encumbrances runs with the land 527
Coyerjan^t o,f vvarranty; limit to recovery for breach ......... 385
Covenant to iijsure 3r5§ fgr cutting down trees 527
Dedication , to public ; acceptance 189
Pe.ed; acknowledgment before interested officer 248
Fraudulent delivery by escrowee 454
Easenjent qf ligKt apd^air 63
Fijttures, ........... 191
Judgment creditor not a purchaser for value 64
Landlord and .tenant; surrender by operation of law 132
Mortgage ; purchase of equity of redemption by mortgagee .... 133, 528
Void conveyance of full legal title by mortgagee 528
Percolating water 454
Quitclaigi deed ;,purcba)^er for value 251
Recovery of land conveyed on a supposed marriage contract .527
Rent- charge, debt does not lie for recovery of 385
Right of owner of tomb 191
Rule against perpetuities, 528
Statule of Frauds 311
Statute of Limit^tiqns . ... . . . . , . 133
Trust, for separate use,; restraint .ag?iin3t anticipation 193
Stt Judgments and Wills.
Res Judicata. S^e Judgments.
Sales. Agreement that title shall remain in vendor; bona ^de mortgagee of
vendee 251
Warranty • . . . . 191
Statute of'^ Frauds. *See Contracts, ^eal Property^ and Trusts.
Statute OF Limitations. Accrual of action . . . .' . 455