Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 2.djvu/12

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Slander. Privileged communication 145
Specific Performance. See Contract; Equity.
States. See Constitutional Law.
Statute. See Conflict of Laws; Federal Courts; Evidence.
Statute of Frauds. Sale of land; continuing possession of vendor 101
Joint possession of grantor and grantee 101
Memorandum 338
Agreement made in court 390
Statute of Limitations. Statute does not run against will fraudulently concealed 101
Adverse possession by successive disseisors 390
Color of title 390
Statute runs from time of payment of money under mistake of fact 389
See, also, Wills.
Strikes. See Common Carriers.
Subrogation. Voluntary payment of debt 101
Suretyship. Release of principal 100
Tax. See Constitutional Law; Real Property.
Teacher. See Criminal Law.
Telegraph Companies. Liability for delay of telegram 146
Liability for fraudulent acts of agent 190
Liability for failure to deliver message 390
See, also, Constitutional Law; Contracts.
Tenant. See Landlord and Tenant.
Tickets. See Common Carriers.
Trade-Marks. Right to use after dissolution of partnership 339
Trespass. Using one’s premises to injury of another 146
Trover. Measure of damages 188
Damages for sale of pledge by mistake 188
Warehouseman 390
Removal of goods by teamster in good faith 390
Trustee. See Trust.
Trusts. Constructive trust; restitution of land obtained by fraud 49
Proceeds of trust funds 147
Purchase by attorney of outstanding title 291
Spendthrift trusts 147
Resulting trust 52
Mingling of funds by bank before insolvency 96
Removal of trustee 101
Charitable uses 146
Effect of church laws and canons 390
Ultra Vires. See Corporations.
Vendor’s Lien. Not destroyed by assignment of note for unpaid purchase money 190
Venue. Federal jurisdiction under Act of March 3, 1887 51
See, also, Federal Courts.
Warehouseman. See Trover.
Warranty. See Sales.
Water and Water-Courses. Right of State in “great ponds” 291