Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 4.djvu/360

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344 HARVARD LAW REVIEW, The Green Bag. Vol. 3. Boston Book Co. No. I. Benjamin Vaughan Abbott (with portrait). Some Early Breach of Promise Cases. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (Owen Wister). Causes Celebres, XXII., Fauntleroy. The Philosophy of Advocacy (J. W. McLoud). American Law Register. Vol. 29. D. B. Canfield Co., Phila. No. 12. The Law Governing an Original Package (John B. Uhle). Criminal Law Magazine. Vol. 13. F. D. Linn & Co., Jersey City, N. J. No. I. Criminal Liability of Interstate Agents for the Violation of State License Laws (D. H. Pingrey). The Legal Culpability of the "Criminal In- sane " (Henderson M. Somerville). The Central Law Journal. Vol. 32. St. Louis, Mo. No. I. The Law as to Married Women in Missouri, as affected by the Re- vised Statutes of 1889 (Edward C. Wright). No. 2. Gifts Causa Mortis (James W. Hyde). No. 3. Moral Obligation as a Consideration for Contracts (Curtis P. Smith) Cmrent Comment. Vol. 2. t). B. Canfield Co., Phila. No. 12. Salmon P. Chase. Need of a National Bankrupt Law. Chicago Law Journal. Vol. i, n. s. No. 12. Inns of Court, IV. (EUiott Anthony). Columbia Law Times. Vol. 4. No. 4. Citizenship and Franchise (M. A. Lesser). Law Quarterly Review. Vol. 7. Stevens & Sons, London. No. 25. Trial by Jury in Civil Cases (M. D. Chalmers). The Definition of General Average (Thomas Barclay). Statutes of Limitations and Mortgagees (Thomas Millidge). Bankruptcy of Partners (A. Turnour Murray). A Con- veyancer in the Thirteenth Century (F. W. Maitland). The Decline of Roman Jurisdiction (Erwin Grueber). Ought Bills of Sale to be Abolished? (J. B. Mat- thews). The Naturalization Act, 1870, s. 7 (L. L. Shadwell). Law Journal. Vol. 26. No. 1304. The Pacific Trustee Bill. Service out of the Jurisdiction in Actions for Injunctions. No. 1305. The Law and Lawyers in 1890. Taylor v. Russell. The Tithe Bill. Irish Law Times and Solicitor's Journal. Vol. 25. Dublin. No. 1250. Libelling Classes, Firms, and Corporations. No. 1 25 1. Keeping in Tenantable Repair. Journal of Jurisprudence. Vol. 35. T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh. No. 409. Railway Law of 1890 (James Ferguson). The Legal Culpability of the Criminal Insane (Henderson M. Somerville). Speech as a Mode of Business (^neas J. G. Mackay). Scottish Law Review. Vol. 7. W. Hodge & Co., Glasgow. No. 73. Lawyers. The Abatement of Legacies. Parish Bells. The Canada Law Journal. J. E. Bryant Co., Toronto. Vol. 26: No. 20. The Land Titles Act. Vol. 27: No. I. Cross-Examination. Grand Juries. Western Law Times. Vol. i. The Stovel Co., Winnipeg, Can. No. 10. Parliamentary Government in the North-West Territories.