Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 5.djvu/8

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iv INDEX. PAGE CASES — Agency — Continued. Variance from authority 409 See Master and Servant ; Statute 0/ Frauds. Assignment. Chaplains to work-houses may assign their salaries . . . 150 Bailment. Jus tertii — Defence by bailee 40 Bills and Notes. Acceptance of forged bill 290 Acceptance by telegram 350 Anomalous indorser 289 Collateral agreement between indorser or indorsee 95 Conditional payment of existing debt 289 Fictitious payee equivalent to bearer 290 Fictitious payee may be an existing person 290 Instalment note payable on default, not negotiable 206 Moral consideration 409 Payment of forged bill 94, 350 Seal rendering instrument non-negotiable 40 Statute of limitations 409 Warranty in fraudulent reissue of genuine bonds 290 See Conflict of Laws. Champerty. Effect on right of action 409 ChixNese Exclusion Act. See Jurisdiction. Circuit Courts of Appeal. See Jurisdiction. Common Carriers. Exemption of grain-elevator from taxes 290 Liability for ejection ; Sunday law 350 Limitation of liability 150 Right to eject passenger having no ticket 243, 244 Shipment and delivery of live stock 95 See Conflict of Laws ; Telephone Co. Conflict of Laws. Bills of exchange 350 Garnishment 40 Interest after maturity 350 Lex loci, contract 206 Lex loci, sale 206 Right of personal representative to sue for tort 206 Constitutional Law. Admission of women to bar 244 Advisory opinions 207 Australian ballot ; how to mark 207 Australian ballot ; educational test 207 "Cruel and unusual punishment" 409 Delegation of power by legislature 207 Eminent domain. Conflicting uses 244 Grade crossings 350 Public use, what is 351 Railroad in street; compensation to abutting owners . . . 292 Telegraph lines an additional burden 152 Exclusion from court of public in criminal case 409 Forfeiture of property of association 409 Impairment of obligation of contract 244, 351, 409 Interstate commerce. Licensing pedlers 95 Licensing tug-boats 95 Original package ; " Wilson Bill " 150