Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 9.djvu/15

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TABLE OF CONTENTS. Xl NOTES — Continued. PAGB Inconsistencies of the Law of Gifts, The 213 Incorporation by Reference — Statute of Frauds 477 Indorsement, Money Paid on a Bill Bearing a Forged 480 Innkeeper's Lien 216 Innocence, Presumption of 144 Instalments, Breach of Contract to Deliver in 148 Intention, Declarations of 216 Intentions, The Value of Honest 214 Interstate Commerce Again 217 Issue Living — Child en Ventre sa Mere 349 Judicial Check on Unconstitutional Legislation 277 Judicial Opinions Long Drawn Out 537 Jurisprudence, A Question of 215 Jurors, Waiver of Constitutional Right to Twelve 353 Langdell, Celebration in Honor of Dean 90 Langdell Celebration, Date of 144 Record of -. 421 Langdell, Students' Debt to Dean 144 Law Reporting, Reform in 347 Law School, The 212, 273, 420, 473 Law School Library, The 471 Lawrence v. Fox, A Modification of — Bank Checks 539 Legal Education, Lord Russell's Address on 346 Lien, Banker's 146 Innkeeper's 216 Malicious Prosecution of a Civil Action without Arrest or Attach- ment 538 Married Women — Damages for Impaired Capacity to Labor .... 473 Municipal Corporation, Liability of, for Defective Waterworks. . 475 Murderer, Can a. Acquire a Title by his Crime? 474 Nature of Railroad Tickets, The 353 Negligent Parent, Shall a. Recover for a Child's Death? .... 282 One-Man Corporation 280 Outstanding Title, Purchase of, by a Tenant in Common 427 Patents, Generic and Specific 538 Pledgee, Conversion by 540 Possession, Custody or 351 Presumption of Innocence . . . „ 144 Prescriptive Right to Compel Repairs 352 Privacy, The Right to . . 354 Question of Jurisprudence, A 215 Quinquennial Catalogue, The New 212 Reform in Law Reporting 347 Report of American Bar Association for 1894 150 Report of Commissioners of Code Revision in New York 422 Respondeat Superior in the Case of Charitable Corporations ... 541 Retreating to the Wall 214 Roman and the Common Law, The 422 Rule in Dearle v. Hall, The 281 Schuyler Injunction, The 354 Selden Society, The 347