Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 9.djvu/8

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iv TABLE OF CONTENTS, RECENT CASES. Accident Insurance. See Insurance. Accretion. See Real Property. Administration. See Mortgage. page Admiralty. Salvage ; gas float in a river 429 State statute giving recovery for death; federal jurisdiction 482 Adverse Possession. See Real Property. Agency. Carriers ; tort of servant 429 Conflicting interests of an agent 218 Employment of an attorney by collecting agency » ... 151 Liability of agent to third persons 356, 543 Vice-principal becomes fellow servant when 429 When knowledge of agent is knowledge of principal 543 Assignment. See Equity. Bail. Admission to bail after conviction pending appeal ; power of Supreme Court justice 151, 152 Bankruptcy. Power to go behind judgment; unfair compromise 152 Banks and Banking. Insolvency of collecting bank ; trust funds . . 218, 436 Negligence of officer 283 Bill of Lading. See Carriers. Bills and Notes. Banker's lien ; discharge of surety 152 ^£'«^yft/<f purchaser; notice 283 Fictitious payee 483 Forged indorsement ; payment by drawee 483 Guaranty ; Statute of Frauds 356 Innocent purchaser; knowledge of defence at time of suit; set-ofif .... 544 Negotiability; uncertainty in amount 219 Statute of Limitations „ . 283 Unaccepted check ; liability of bank having funds of drawer 544 Vendor's lien ; payment by indorser 483 Burden of Proof. See Evidence. Carriers. Bill of lading ; deficiency in cargo 283 Bill of lading ; duphcates 483 Liability for tort of servant 429 Liability founded on tort 224 Sleeping Car Co.'s liability for money lost by passenger 429 Statutory regulation of charges ; constitutionality 154 Termination of liability i c^ Transfer of sleeping car section for part of journey 3r6 Warranty of seaworthiness ; latent defects ic2 Wrong ticket 2r5 Charities. See Trusts. Chose in Action. Assignment; notice I53> 357 Club. Resignation ccj Conflict of Laws. Domicil C44 Federal lule in matters of general commercial law 430 Foreign contracts ^^-j Foreign judgments; conclusiveness 4^0 Service of process ^^q Constitutional Law. Criminal procedure ; waiver of twelve jurors .... 357 Eminent domain ; public use 22-? Exemption of veterans from civil service rules 284