System of Numeration 103 this statement, let us compare the numerals up to ten in Hausa and three neighbouring dialects which appear kin to it, viz. Kerrikerri, Bolewa, Gerawa.* Hausa. Bolewa. Kerrikerri. Gerawa. 1. dia maudi wudi moiee 2. biu bollo' belu bullu 3. uku kunnii kunnu kunnu 4. fudu fo'do' fudu fedu 5. biar, biat baddi bad baadi 6. shidda ba shi maudi ba shogu be shimi 7. bokkoi ba ouloh ba shi belu ba shim bollo 8. tokkos hordo feefedu hordo 9. tara bonumm bannu banninja 10. goma bimbaddi biimbad barr The connection between the numbers from one to five in these four languages is very striking, and such a similarity cannot easily be explained away. It is interesting to note that three dialects of Marghi have a word for four similar io fudu. As regards the numbers from six to ten, it appears that in Bolewa, Kerrikerri, and Gerawa they are formed from the five base. It is suggested that this is the case also with Hausa, and that the formation comes about as follows : — Shidda. This is probably a contraction of slia dia (Barth also holds this opinion) ; it resembles the method of forma- tion in the other three languages. It may also be connected with the Songhai word for six, which is iddou, and be formed by joining it with another Songhai word, tji.
- Vide Note at commencement of book.