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Proverbs in the Hausa Language

languages, impossible to trace the laws which govern the change of letters, and therefore the above attempt to follow the process of reduplication has no scientific support. Speaking generally, the tendency is to soften the harsher sounds, the principle of least effort.

2. Adding "ayi" to the Singular.

dorina dorina-ayi dorinai
aboki aboki-ayi abokai
alura alura-ayi alurai
giwa giwa-ayi giwayi
birri birri-ayi birrayi
barao barayi

The termination of these words is, in reality, formed in the same way. The usual rule in Hausa is that the accent shall be on the penultimate, and we find it so in giwdyi, etc. But in dorina the accent is on the i, in ahohi on the o, and in alura on the u. The reason is that these three words being com- pounds the accent still remains in its old place, with a consequent shortening of the a in ayi.

dorina doki'n rua
aboki a ba koi (Songhai)
alura al ibra (Arabic)

3. The third Method, by adding "una" to the Singular.

sanda sanduna
tulu tuluna
riga riguna
daki dakuna
surdi surduna