Hausa Proverbs
19 Da kuka'n kura, da batchewa'n akwia duka daia ne.
- The cry of the hyena and the losing of the goat are one and the same.
- Give a dog a bad name.
20 Gurgu ba shi koiya gurgu taffia.
- The blind leading the blind.
21 Rama ba mutua ba.
- Being thin is not dying.
- Appearances are deceptive.
22 Rijia ta bayes, gugaa ta hanna.
- The well gives, but the bucket refuses.
- The great man orders a distribution of food, money, &c., but his agent does not issue it.
- Might be used when an official, who is dependent on an interpreter, gives an order; meaning "he may give an order, but I doubt whether it will be carried out."
23 Ya zamma wandu dei dei da gatto'n kowa.
- He is (a pair) of trousers that fit every one's thighs.
- He is so powerful that every one fears him.
24 Mai abu kan san barra.
- A man with wealth will always get a servant.
- San, a contraction of samu.
25 Mai akwia ya yi taffia derri, balé mai kura.
- If the owner of a goat is not afraid to travel by night, why should the owner of a hyena be (seeing that night is the usual time for a hyena to move about)?