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Hausa Proverbs

413 Enna rua'n gusu da taba.

They are two entirely different things.

414 Muna da nia (neea) maje samma ya hau giginia.

We are full of zeal, the goer to the sky climbs a palm tree (deleb).

Much promise, little result.

415 Ido'n da ya ga hayaki shi kan debo wutta.

The eye that sees smoke looks for fire.

416 Zamani'n da doki da jaki ba su mutu ba, mi maikia ta chi ta yi rai.

What is the vulture to eat if horses and donkeys don't die.

It is an ill wind that blows no one any good.

417 Wawa ba mahaukachi ba ne, en ya chi kasua giddansa sai ya komo.

The simpleton is not absolutely devoid of sense, if he visits the market he will return home.

418 Da bagarua da abin gari ne, da ba aber na majéma ba.

Had the bagarua been of any other use it would not have been left to the tanner.

Bagarua, acacia tree, its wood is very hard and is used for the handles of axes, &c., the bark for tanning.

Majéma, masu gyetta fata, tanners.

419 Sabta'n tsoola, ka debi fusari ka wanka kasshi.

To rob Peter to pay Paul.