427 Masiachi, ko ansakkashi achikkin tandu'n mai, sai shi fito busasshi.
A poor (unsuccessful) man, if he was put into a pot of grease he would come out dry.
If a man is fated to be poor, nothing will enrich him.
428 Bükki'n kulla, aska ta bata a wuri'n maikora.
"Looking feast" is like spoiling a razor on a bald head.
It is a waste of time.
429 Malakka'n karre da banta'n kura.
The kura's liver and the property of a dog!
A thing he is not likely to have.
430 Sai ansba wuya akantunna Allah.
When in trouble one remembers Allah.
431 Mai habetchi maso fadda, wonda ya tanka ko ya fisbi.
The man who is full of trite sayings rejoices in a discussion; it is not impossible that the man who answers may silence him.
The following twenty-two sentences, which define the peculiarities of certain things and animals, are often used when they are considered to the point as:—
11 Meaning he may be ugly and stupid, but he does us no harm.
15 What a chatterbox.