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Hausa Proverbs

7 Afallalu kan dabobi, dukia mai kamma'n Iblis, kowa ya sekkyeka ya nemoka. Largest of beasts, devilisli property, every one who loses you has to look for you. Answer. — A camel. 8 Fura'n uri, dama kwogi. A cowrie's worth of fura wbicli whitens tke pool or stream. Answer. — The moon. 9 Akoshi'n babba faskarra sudewa. The basin of a great man which cannot be emptied. Answer. — The kuddu'n diiflS, the pits from which earth has been dug to build walls, they fill with water during the rains. Soodi or suddi, the remains of a dish ; you may keep on baling out " kuddu'n diiffi," but will never empty them. 10 Rawani'n babba faskarra naddawa. The chiefs headdress defies rolling up. Rawani, the strip of cloth wrapped round the face and head — Puggari. Anm)er. — A road. 11 Na wanka kworriata, na je da ita gabbass, na je da ita yamma, na dawo, ba ta booshe ba. I clean my calabash, I go east with it, I go west with it, still it won't dry. Ansxcer.—k dog's tongue. 12 Uku, Tiku ta gamma gari. Three, three complete the town; no town is complete without them. Answer. — The three stones or lumps of earth on which pots are put to stand when cooking.