Page:Haws of Cromdale.pdf/7

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It's a pity ane sae pretty,
Should na do the thing they can.
You, a charming lovely creature
Wherefore wad ye lie ye'r lane!
Beauty's of a fading nature,
Has a season, and is gane

Therefore, while ye're blooming, Katie,
Listen to a loving swain;
Tak a mark by auntie Betty,
Ance the darling o' the men :
She, wi coy and fickle nature
Trifled aff till she's grown auld,
Now she's left by ilke creature :
Let na this othee be tauld.

But my dear and lovely Katie,
This ae thing I hae to tell
I could wish nae man to get ye,
Save it were my very sel.
Tak, me Katie, at my offer.
Or be had and I'll take you:
Wo’s mak nae din about your tocher ;
Marry, Katis, then we'll woo.

Many words are needless, Katie,

Ye're a wanter, ise am I: