Page:Hazardous Waste (Control of Export, Import and Transit) Act 1997.pdf/7

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“household waste” means waste collected from households, but does not include such waste as may be specified in any regulations made under this Act;

“import permit” means a Basel import permit or a special import permit;

“import proposal” means a proposal to import hazardous or other waste and to deal with it in Singapore;

“permit application” means an application for a Basel or special permit;

“permit condition” means a condition specified in—

(a) a Basel permit;
(b) a notice specified in any regulations made under section 17 varying a Basel permit;
(c) a special permit; or
(d) a notice under a set of Article 11 regulations varying a special permit;

“platform” includes any structure at sea, whether fixed or not fixed, but does not include a vessel;

“premises” includes any place, whether or not enclosed or built on;

“relevant person”, in relation to a searchable place, means—

(a) in the case of premises in Singapore, the occupier of the premises; and
(b) in any other case, the person in command or control, or who appears to be in command or control, of the place;

“searchable place” means—

(a) any premises in Singapore;
(b) an aircraft, a vehicle or a vessel within the jurisdiction of Singapore;
(c) a Singapore aircraft;