Page:Headlong Hall - Peacock (1816).djvu/204

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Tenorina; for I imagine Graziosa has conceived a penchant for Sir Patrick O'Prism ."-"Tenorina, exactly," said Squire Headlong, and became so impatient to bring the matter to a conclusion, that Mr. Chromatic undertook to communicate with his daughter immediately. The young lady proved to be as ready as the Squire, and the preliminaries were arranged in little more than five minutes.

Mr. Chromatic's words, that he imagined his daughter Graziosa had conceived a penchant for Sir Patrick O'Prism, were not lost on the Squire, who at once determined to have as many companions in the scrape as possible, and who, as soon as he could tear himself from Mrs. Headlong elect, took three flying bounds across the room to the Baronet, and said: "So, Sir Patrick, I find you and I are going to be married?"

"Are we?" said Sir Patrick: "then sure