Page:Heath's Book of Beauty 1833.pdf/26

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A sweet and melancholy face, that seems
Haunted with earnest thought; the dark midnight
Has given its raven softness to her hair;
And evening, starry eve, half clouds, half light,
Is in the shadowy beauty of her eyes.

How quietly has Night come down,
    Quiet as the sweet sleep she yields!
A purple shadow marks yon town,
    A silvery hue the moonlit fields;
And one or two white turrets rise
    Glittering beneath the highest ray—
As conscious of the distant skies,
    To which they teach and point the way.

The river in the lustre gleams,
    Where hang the blossomed shrubs above—
The flushed and drooping rose, whose dreams
    Must be of summer and of love.
The pale acacia's fragrant bough
    Is heavy with its weight of dew;
And every flower and leaf have now
    A sweeter sigh, a deeper hue.