Page:Heath's Book of Beauty 1833.pdf/31

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Lonely and deep as the fountain when springing
    From its earliest birthplace beneath the dark pines,
When first mid the wild flowers around it goes singing,
    When first on its waters the red morning shines:

So lonely, so deep, is the love which is cherish'd,
    Silent and sacred, Earl Surrey, for thee;
All lighter and meaner affections have perish'd—
    Life now has only but one love for me.

I share with thee every thought that delights me—
    I read, it is only to tell thee again:
I have not a feeling on earth but unites me
    To thee, be it intellect, pleasure, or pain.

I lean o'er the rose when the night-dews are weeping,
    And deem its leaves written with sweet words of thine;
I see thy bold falcon through mid-heaven sweeping,
    And wish it could bear thee a message of mine.