Page:Heath's Book of Beauty 1833.pdf/4

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Unveil'd, unmask'd! not so, not so!
    Ah! thine are closer worn
Than those which, in light mockery,
    One evening thou hast borne.
The mask and veil which thou dost wear
    Are of thyself a part;
No mask can ever hide thy face
    As that conceals thy heart.
Thy smiles, they sparkle o'er thy brow,
    Like sunbeams to and fro;
But no one in their light can read
    The depths that lurk below.
The tears, how beautiful they shine
    Within thy large dark eyes!
But who can tell what is the cause
    From which those tears arise?
E'en as thy curls are train'd to fall
    Around thy angel face,
So every look thy features wear
    Is tutor'd in its grace.
No eager impulses ere fling
    Their warmth upon thy cheek;