is heaven in man to acknowledge a Divine and be led by Him.
"It is known that Gentiles live a moral life as well as Christians, and that many of them live better than Christians. Men live a moral life either for the sake of the Divine, or from a regard to the opinion of the world. The moral life which is lived for the sake of the Divine is spiritual life. Both appear alike in the external form, but in the internal they are altogether different. One saves man: the other does not. For he who lives a moral life from a regard to the opinions of the world, is led by himself. But let this be illustrated by an example.
"I have often been instructed that Gentiles who have led a moral life, have lived in obedience and subordination, and in mutual charity according to their religion, and have thence received something of conscience, are accepted in the other life, and are there instructed with anxious care by angels in the goods and truths of faith; and that, while under instruction, they behave themselves modestly, intelligently and wisely, and willingly receive truths and are imbued with them. Besides, they have formed to themselves no principles of the false contrary to the truths of faith, which are to be shaken off, much less scandals against the Lord,—like many Christians who cherish no other idea of Him than that of a common man.'—H. H, n. 318-321.
"The mercy of the Lord is infinite, and does not suffer itself to be confined to the small number within the church, but extends itself to all throughout the world. For those who are born out of the church, and are thereby in ignorance as to matters of faith, are not blamable on that account; nor are they ever condemned for not having faith toward the Lord, because they are not aware of his existence. What considerate person can suppose the greatest part of mankind must perish eternally, be-