Every word and name in Bohemian has the accent on the first syllable.
Chvojan. Pron. Ghvo -yan . The Ch in this word has the same guttural sound as in Suchdol, Neducha, Smíchov (the Irish gh in “Lough”) .
Jiskra. Pron. Yis-kra .
Kac̓er. Pron. Catch - er.
Knír̓ová. Pron. Kneersh-o-vá.
Kuc̓erova. Pron. Kootch-er-o-vá.
Labutín. Pron. La-boo-teen.
Ledecký. Pron. Led-ets-kee.
Macek. Pron. Mats-ek.
Mánes. The name of a celebrated Bohemian painter. Pron. Má-nes, in two syllables.
Neducha. Pron. Ned-oogh-a (compare Suchdol).
“Nudles.” A kind of vermicelli put into soup.
Omoc̓il. Pron. Om-o-chil.
Ovenec. Pron. Ov-en-ets.
Pepíc̓ek. Pron. Pep-ee-check. (Term of endearment for Joseph.)
Poc̓ernický, Poc̓ernic. Pron. Potch-er-nits-kee, Potch-er-nits.
Rades̓ín. Pron. Rad-esh-een.
Smíchov. Pron. Smeegh-of.
Štambera. Pron. Shtam-ber-a.