Page:Heliogabulus's magic tablets.pdf/19

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To know what Fortune your future Husband will have.

Take a walnut, a hazel-nut, and nutmeg ; grate them together, and mix them with butter and sugar, and make them up into small pills, of which exactly nine must he taken on going to bed; and according to her dreams, so will be the state of the person she will marry. If a gentleman, of riches; if a clergyman, of white linen; if a lawyer, of darkness; if a tradesman, of odd noises and tnmults; if a soilder or sailor, of thunder and lightning; if a servant, of rain.

To find out the two first letters of a future Wifes or Husband's Name.

Take a small bible and the key of your front street-door, and having opened to Solomon’s Songs, chap. viii. ver. 6 and 7, place the wards of the key on those two verses, and let the bow of the key be about an inch out of the top of the bible; then shut the book, and tie it round with your garter, so as the key will not move, and the person who wishes to know his or her future husband or wife’s signature, must suspend the bible, by putting the middle finger of the right hand under the bow of the key, and the other person in like manner on the other side of the bow of the key, who must repeat the following verses, after the other person’s saying the aphabet, one letter to each time repeating them. It must be observed, that you mention to the person who