Page:Heliogabulus's magic tablets.pdf/22

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bers of those letters together, divide them by seven; and then, if the remainder be even, it will be a girl, if uneven it will be a boy.

The nine Keys.

Get nine small keys, they must all be your own by begging or buying (borrowing will not do, nor must you tell what you want them for); plait a three plaited band of your own hair, and tie them together, fastening the ends with nine knots; fasten them with one of your garters to your left wrist on going to bed, and bind the other garter round your head; then say—

St. Peter take it not amiss,
To try your favour I’ve done this;
You are the ruler of the keys,
Favour me then, if you please;
Let me then your influence prove,
And see my dear and wedded love.

This must be done on the eve of St. Peter’s and is an old charm used by the maidens of Rome in ancient times, who put great faith in it.

The mysterious Watch.

Request any person to lend you his watch, and ask him if it will go when laid on the table. He will, no doubt, answer in the affirmative; in which case, place it over the end of the concealed magnet, and it will presently stop. Then mark the precise spot where you placed the watch, and moving the point of the