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United States v. Drennen et al.

quash, and set aside said writ of fieri facias, together with all the proceedings had under and by virtue thereof.

"And your petitioners will ever pray, &c.,


"As administrators of Wharton Rector, deceased."


"United States of America, sct.
District of Arkansas.

"The United States, to the Marshal of the Arkansas District, Greeting:

"Whereas, the United States, on the 12th day of October, A.D. 1844, in our district court of the United States for the district of Arkansas, hath recovered against John Drennen and Elias Rector, administrators of the estate of Wharton Rector, deceased, the sum of seven thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars and ninety-one cents (say $7,525.91), which were adjudged to them for their damages, with interest on said damages at six per centum per annum from the said 22d day of October, A.D. 1844, till paid, together with the sum of fifty-five dollars and forty-one cents for costs sustained in the suit. You are therefore commanded, that of the goods and chattels and slaves, lands and tenements of the said intestate Wharton Rector, at the time of his death, you cause to be made the damages and interest aforesaid, together with the costs aforesaid, so that you have the same before the clerk of our said court at his office in the city of Little Rock on the first Monday of April next, to be paid over to said plaintiff, and then and there certify how you have executed this writ.

"In testimony whereof, Benjamin Johnson, Esq., judge of our said court, hath caused the seal of said court to be hereto affixed this fourth day of March, A.D. 1845, and the sixty-ninth year of American independence.

"WM. FIELD, clerk.

"By A. H. RUTHERFORD, deputy clerk."

"I, Henry M. Rector, United States marshal in and for the