Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/134

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Connie Morgan with the Mounted

But Connie stood firm for the protection of his captive, whom he turned over to Ick Far for examination. Two hours later the scout reported:

"'Soapy' White, she ver' bad mans—hyas kultus. She sen' runner to de Moosehead. Say: 'De Brushwood got um plent' skin hol' over from las' weenter.' Say: 'Com' an' tak' de skin an' run de Brushwood 'cross de montaine, an' tak' de village. Ver' mooch game—ver' mooch fur where de Brushwood hunt.' Say: 'She giv' de Moosehead plent 'firewater.'

"De Moosehead she hav' ver' bad year. Too mooch no rabbit—too mooch no feesh—too mooch no fur. Com' 'cross de montaine for run de Brushwood out an' keel heem. 'Soapy,' White, she giv' de Moosehead plent' firewater—plent' shell. He say de Brushwood don' trade wit' heem no more—go down Yukon, trade on de A. C. store—das w'y 'Soapy' White, she don' lak' de Brush-wood no more."

"I'll fix him!" exclaimed Connie, with blazing eyes. "But, first, let's see how we stand here."

A hurried inspection of the barricade showed