Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/203

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Connie Puts One Over

I just about made up my mind I'd have to hunt a tradin' post somewheres."

"You'd have had a long hunt," said Connie. "The nearest trading post is about fifty miles from here, and you'd have had to track-line all the way back."

"All right, Constable," the man replied, "if it ain't going to discommodate you none I believe I'll just go on along with you and try my luck over in Alaska. It can't be no worse than it is here, nohow. I'm sure obliged to you for the lift, an' if anything turns up you'll find I ain't the one to forget it."

With his back to the man, Connie tightened the hitch of his bed-roll, and he grinned as he tugged at the rope. "You said something then, Mr. Notorious Bishop," he muttered to himself. "'Cause something sure is going to turn up and you can bet your boots you won't forget it, either!"

The trip down the McQuesten was uneventful enough. Notorious Bishop proved an actor of unusual ability. He played the part of a prospector so well that Connie himself would have been deceived had it not been for the fact that he had heard him whistle Yankee Doodle. Even with