Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/223

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Trail of the "Demon's Heart"

appeared, and with it all the gold that had accrued by reason of Nick Mullane's sudden increase of business.

Nick Mullane appealed to the Mounted. And Sergeant Dan McKeever accompanied by Ick Far headed into the hills, following a three-man trail. On Burton Creek they buried a man, and at Hot Springs, another, and at Bonnet Plume Pass the trail of the third man was so completely lost among the rocks that even Ick Far could not follow it. And the "Demon's Heart" passed beyond the ken of the men of the Yukon.

But the tillicums still wonder what lies at the end of the trail.

"Afraid of ghosts?" asked the Superintendent commanding B 'Division, as Connie entered the office in answer to the summons of his chief, and stood at attention.

Connie smiled. "No, sir!" he answered. "That is, I don't think I am. I never saw one. I don't believe there are any. And if there aren't, I couldn't be afraid of 'em."

"Yes, but suppose there are," persisted the Superintendent with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Well; then I wouldn't be afraid. I guess if