Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/231

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Trail of the "Demon's Heart"

of the kultus tamahnawus was heavy upon them. I persuaded them to accompany me to the hill and point out the spot so that I and the old men who were not afraid might visit the place. The hill was but a short rifle shot from the river and as we reached the top there came to our ears the sound of a splash. All looked toward the river, but nothing was to be seen save the sunlight glistening upon the surface of the swift-flowing water."

Again the old man paused and glanced nervously about: "I, Sam Spotted Raven, believe only what I see with the eyes of my head. In my heart was no fear of the kultus tamahnawus. And my words are true. Even as we looked, the surface of the water was broken and the head of a woman appeared with the long hair floating out upon the water and she started to swim to the shore toward the base of the hill whereon we stood. With my eyes I saw it. For I looked after the others had fled. There is no mistake. The woman came up from the water at the spot where she went down the day before. She drew near the bank and I waited no longer. No woman of flesh and blood could remain under the water for a day and a night. She, herself, was a tamahnawus, and she was drawing nearer!