Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/84

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Connie Morgan with the Mounted

bloody murder, an' a-clawin' at the sparks that settled over his greasy hide like a swarm of red-hot mosquitoes." And his laughter was echoed by a dozen or more officers who had listened to the tale, until Connie felt his face redden under their approving glances. And then, from the doorway, where he had stood a silent and an unseen listener, the Superintendent himself stepped into the room and laid a kindly hand on Connie's shoulder:

"Great work, son. We are proud of you, in the Mounted." Which was a very long speech of approbation for the Superintendent to make' And, later, when the long envelope went southward in the mail, bearing his official report to general headquarters in far-off Regina, the name of Special Constable Connie Morgan was mentioned for extraordinary bravery in the rescue of Corporal Rickey from the Yellow Knife Indians.