Page:Henry Blyd's contract.pdf/7

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An Habbiack on the Foregoing Contract.

thing instead o' his ain he gat o'er the crown. Well Mistriss this be your leave an I wiss a well; an very wife fouk says, that be't aft likes an it be no the same way it will be the tither an that well either hae King or Queen or sim ither thing or else naething at a' an than fouk cannot readily be out a' condition.



On the Foregoing


ALas! alas! for an ill hour
Is now befallen poor Inchflower,
Henry's gane, and that o'er sure.

But what remeed?

His feet will never fyle their Floor

For now he's dead

Poor Henry that was cad a fool
Has got three yelps wi' a cald shool,
Alas! that has wrought meikle dool.

Baith far an near,

To Fire-side he'll nee mair draw stool.

To gar Fouk sneer,

Now poor man in his grave he's laid.
And with the Shool nis debts are paid
But fan alive be freely ga'd

Whare it was due:

Baith Bill and Bans are a discharg'd

O lang or now:
But Henry was a right gay lad