Bard. O! my lord, my lord, the sheriff with a
most monstrous watch is at the door.
Fal. Out, ye rogue! Play out the play: I
have much to say in the behalf of that Falstaff.
Enter the Hostess.
Host. O Jesu! my lord, my lord! 541
Prince. Heigh, heigh! the devil rides upon a
fiddle-stick: what's the matter?
Host. The sheriff and all the watch are at
the door: they are come to search the house.
Shall I let them in? 546
Fal. Dost thou hear, Hal? never call a true
piece of gold a counterfeit. Thou art essentially
mad without seeming so. 549
Prince. And thou a natural coward without
Fal. I deny your major. If you will deny the
sheriff, so; if not, let him enter: if I become not
a cart as well as another man, a plague on my
bringing up! I hope I shall as soon be strangled
with a halter as another. 556
Prince. Go, hide thee behind the arras: the
rest walk up above. Now, my masters, for a
true face and good conscience.
Fal. Both which I have had; but their date
is out, and therefore I'll hide me.Exit. 561
Prince. Call in the sheriff.
Enter the Sheriff and the Carrier.
Now, master sheriff, what's your will with me?
547-549 Cf. n.
552 major: major premise
554 cart: cart used for taking criminals to the gallows
557 arras: hanging screen of tapestry placed around the walls of a room
557-558 Cf. n.