Page:Henry IV Part 2 (1921) Yale.djvu/96

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The Second Part of

I do sweat, they are the drops of thy lovers,
and they weep for thy death: therefore rouse
up fear and trembling, and do observance to 16
my mercy.

Cole. I think you are Sir John Falstaff, and
in that thought yield me.

Fal. I have a whole school of tongues in this 20
belly of mine, and not a tongue of them all
speaks any other word but my name. An I had
but a belly of any indifferency, I were simply the
most active fellow in Europe: my womb, my 24
womb, my womb undoes me. Here comes our

Enter Prince John, Westmoreland and the rest.

Lanc. The heat is past, follow no further now.
Call in the powers, good cousin Westmoreland. 28
[Exit Westmoreland.]
Now, Falstaff, where have you been all this while?
When everything is ended, then you come:
These tardy tricks of yours will, on my life,
One time or other break some gallows' back. 32

Fal. I would be sorry, my lord, but it should
be thus: I never knew yet but rebuke and check
was the reward of valour. Do you think me a
swallow, an arrow, or a bullet? have I, in my 36
poor and old motion, the expedition of thought?
I have speeded hither with the very extremest
inch of possibility; I have foundered nine score
and odd posts; and here, travel-tainted as I am, 40
have, in my pure and immaculate valour, taken
Sir John Colevile of the dale, a most furious

16 observance: homage
23 indifferency: moderate size
27 heat: race, pursuit
34 check: reproof
37 expedition: speed
40 posts: post-horses