Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - A Wave of Horror (1912).djvu/10

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"The holy spirit guides aloft the shrieking shot and shell
And Christian people shout with joy at thousands blown to hell."


"Murder is murder," said the man who boasts that he shot a Spaniard in the back, when he heard of the arrest of the McNamaras.

It is—all the way from the crucifying of Christ by the Capitalist class down to the last gasp of the tuberculosis victim of the sweatshop and tenement.

Two hundred thousand working girls, capitalist wage slaves, unable to feed and clothe themselves on the paltry pay they receive, driven into prostitution every year;

This is MURDER.

Any Wave of Horror bothering you about this?

It does me—I have tried, convicted and sentenced the whole capitalist system for its bloody crimes, and no "parole" proposition is strung to my sentence, either.

"Murder is murder"—if you don't believe it, go into your grocery store and see the poison printed in small type on the canned goods the food trusts put out.


The whole damnable cut-throat capitalist system was sired, spawned and suckled on murder and could not live a day without it.

Talk about murder—our government and rulers have James McNamara skinned a city block on the murder proposition.

Look at the sad-faced little children of the slums and factories, underfed and illclad; look at the emaciated women in the sweatshops and mills; look at the rented shacks the working class call homes; look—oh,