Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - A Wave of Horror (1912).djvu/24

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large districts, telling that Harriman had been arrested charged with complicity in bribing jurors in the McNamara case. * * * In opposition to the Socialists was a compact group, consisting of the preachers, the saloonkeepers, the proprietors of all the gambling houses and the houses of ill-fame. The churches were still farther aided by the women who infest all the hotels and apartment houses where the white slave traffic is openly acknowledged to exist. All of the corrupt element in the city banded together and fought desperately to keep the Socialists out.—(From Milwaukee Daily Leader.)

Capitalism, backed by "preachers, saloonkeepers and proprietors of houses of ill-fame," led like hell and charged Job Harriman, the latchets of whose shoes not a one of them is worthy to unloose, with being connected with a crime.

And the lie drew enough into the "net" to defeat Harriman.

The infamy of this elegant bunch of capitalist lick-spittles and their cowardly conspiracy to defeat Socialism ought to call for another wave of horror.

The outfit would crucify Christ again to-day rather than see a Socialist victory.

Capitalism is destroying over a million lives a year in these United States—murdering them outright, starving them and making physical and moral wrecks of men, women and children.

It is war, heartless war, from the first day of January till the last day of December, year after year.

Child slavery exists, because child labor can be gotten cheap.

The cradle is furnishing tender flesh and blood for your masters to grind into coin. No matter to them if