Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - A Wave of Horror (1912).djvu/30

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chinery and methods for producing wealth, be as wise as he?

Socialism does not propose to own private wealth in common. It only proposes to own the great wealth-producing tools in common.

Your home and all its surroundings shall be your private property. And you shall have a home—not a rented tenement.

What could be more hateful, more abnormal, than this condition wherein the class that owns the tools of production does not use them, and the class that uses them does not own them?

Can you imagine on earth peace, good will toward men under such a master and slave arrangement?

Can anything but war exist under such a state of affairs?


I have enumerated only a few of the crimes of capitalist class rule. I have not begun to tell them all. Their name is legion.

What I have tried to do is to make you have a Wave of Horror at every kind of murder and outrage, and not wait until another McNamara commits some crime out of the ordinary.

This whole social fabric of ours is built on hate, and strife and war.

Socialism comes with a message of love, and harmony and peace.

The McNamara ease will roll into the annals of the past and the particular Wave of Horror it produced will be no more.

But never mind, just make it your business and duty to become horrified at every form of murder and rank injustice you can discover—and it will amaze you at the awful multitude that will be disclosed to your view.